Our vision with yoga is to make it accessible to all who feel the pull towards the practice. Our intent is for wellness to be financially available to all and for all to be welcomed despite any personal circumstance or hardship. Because of this, we offer donation based classes with a sliding scale recommendation. For a sliding scale to work without burdening our practitioners or each other, it relies on the principles of truthfulness, not taking what is not freely given, and generosity. We understand this price may vary each session permitting you to give a little less and sometimes a lot more.
Recommended Sliding Scale
Nobody turned away for lack of funds
Private yoga lessons are also available. For further information please contact
Evening Gentle Yoga with Casey & Kim
​Casey of Community Love Project and Kimm of Yoga 4 All guide a gentle and slow one hour practice where we hold the pose for longer periods of time, allowing us to feel what is happening physically and emotionally. They offer variations and modifications for every body and every level. This class is the perfect way to unwind after your long day, and gently release any stress your body may be carrying.
On the weeks that Casey teaches, Immediately following, she will guide us on a 30 minute meditation practice. You can join for just one practice or stay for both.
Every Thursday 6:30pm-7:30pm
bonus meditation practice with Casey September 26th
Morning Ashtanga with Sasha
This class will introduce the students to the beginning poses of the primary series of Ashtanga yoga, a set sequence or routine of postures designed to bring strength, flexibility and endurance to the body. This early morning yoga practice is energizing, challenging, quick paced with a lot of movement and repetition. The constant moving and repetition will keep your body warm, enable you to get deeper into poses, work your muscles and quiet the mind. Be prepared to sweat a lot as you engage core muscles and work with a steady balanced breath, moving through Ashtangas moving meditation in motion.
Yoga en Espanol con Sasha
Esta clase de una hora se centrará en estirar lenta y profundamente nuestros músculos. Después de la clase tendremos 30 minutos de meditación guiada.